Friday, June 18, 2010

Rainy day in the Adirondacks

Wednesday, June 16:

Publio discovered the local gym yesterday, so we woke up and headed there this morning. We spent about an hour and a half there because we were taking turns using the phone. (We don't have service at the campground). I spoke to my mom and to Ani. Publio called customers, sent emails and texts.

From there we headed over to Bloody Pond where during the French-Indian War, a group of Canadians and Native Americans were ambushed while resting and killed by the British. The bodies were thrown into the pond. It became so stained with blood that it became known as the Bloody Pond.

I had to go to the drug store to purchase some toiletries and I found Publio chilaxing on the motorcycle when I came out... LOL!!!

We were going to go up Mount Prospect at this point but it started raining so we headed back to the campground. Rain and motorcycling don't go together... at least not for ME!!! LOL!!!!

We spent the rest of the day relaxing, watching movies, and getting ready for our next adventure tomorrow. Niagara Falls... here we come!!!!

Then off to bed!!!!

Happy travels!!

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